The World According to Jen

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

These Aren't the Pants You're Looking For

I took H (also known as Bug) to the local mall this afternoon to accomplish three things: 1) finding a shower gift for XT; 2) buying a birthday gift for Miss Ali; and 3) buying new jeans because my size 12 Gap boot cut stretch jeans haven't gotten too big.

Unfortunately for Bug and me, the mall is god awful lame. Horribly lame. But it does have a Macy's with a home section and there is a Gap. The good mall has a Macy's, but no home section, a Willams Sonoma, and a Gap, but had we gone there, we would have been stuck in afternoon rush hour traffic on the way home. So lazy me, I chose the crummy mall one freeway stop away for my shopping in the hope that I would get to purchase the thing I really wanted to get off the registry.

Task No. 1
We went up to housewares, printed the registry and found out immediately that what we wanted to buy was still available. But no, our lame store doesn't carry that. Those jerks. They suggested I go to the City or Santa Rosa or Stockton. Swell. Mr. Macy's guy was less than helpful and chose to speak to me like I was an idiot. Buddy, just because you are dumb doesn't mean that I am. Good thing I had a contingency plan and I found something else I wanted to purchase. Problem solved. After taking it to gift wrap, it was time to move on.

Task No. 2
I had asked what I should get for Miss Ali and I followed the instructions. Easy peasy.

Task No. 3
This should have been easy. Go to Gap. Find appropriate pants. Buy pants. Go home. But no. It seems Gap has some new method for selling pants rather than just by style. So I get the size 10s I desire and decided to try a pair of pants in the new Curvy category since I have a backside that balances out the bosoms so that I don't tip over and went to the dressing room excited about the potential to get that much closer to a single digit size. It should be noted that I bought the size 12s in question just a few months ago and was wearing them this afternoon. So these 10s should fit, right? Well, I could get them buttoned, but it wasn't optimal. Or comfortable. Or roomy. It seems that there are a few sizes in between my current, broken in pants and the new ones. Or else Gap changed something just to piss me off. And don't get me started on the "curvy jeans." I'm not sure how they define curvy because those suckers were tighter than the "original jeans." Must it really be so difficult to find suitable pants? I guess I'll just go get a new belt and work with what I have until the pregnancy pounds I already lost take a few more of their friends on a permanent vacation. So to paraphrase the Soup Nazi, no jeans for Jen. At least not from the Gap.

Bug was a star for the shopping trip. She was due for her afternoon nap and took it right there in her stroller, not minding all of the times I ran it into the walls of the dressing room. She's awake now and in a good mood, so I think it's time to give her some snuggles.

But stay tuned for when (at my brother's request) I inform you all of the magical, labor-inducing fries at Barney's. Mmmmm Barney's.


  • I have never been to Barney's but I HAVE been to the freaking GAP. I hate the GAP only because you would think that nothing could be as consistent as mass produced clothing. WRONG. My size changes every time I'm in there. Obviously, it is the pants and not me.

    By Blogger Auntie Sassy, at 11:21 AM  

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