The World According to Jen

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Quiet Time

I had planned to blog about Bug's strange ideas of things that are tasty and things that are not, but that will have to wait. Right now, I'm basking in the fact that I am the only one awake in the house and I'm enjoying having just a bit of time that I own. I don't have to tend to anyone and I don't have to do chores. I should be doing chores, but instead, I am blogging and watching Black.White. It's nice to have a chance to just listen to the crickets outside. And the frogs. There's a stream behind our place and, during the spring, there are frogs. It took a bit to get used to the noise, but now I really like it.

And when I do have quiet time like this, it gets me thinking. Who am I? What do I want to be when I grow up? Why won't someone take a chance and give me a job? I'm growing ever so tired of the constant flow of ding letters when the powers that be, the ones that have jobs to give, deign to even send a ding letter. It's just so very frustrating. Today, I sent off a resume for a non-lawyer position that required expertise in an area of law that I did practice. My resume is fairly specific about what I have done and my cover letter highlighted how, for four years, I focused on that one discrete area of law. I got an e-mail response, which was clearly a form, because it asked me if I have any experience with that very area of law. For goodness sake, people, read the darn letter that I took so much time crafting so that they would respond. I suppose I shouldn't complain. After all, they did respond. So now it's on me to get back to them. I guess that's on the to do list for tomorrow, among several all job hunting-related things.

Did I mention that I hate job hunting? Only dating has ever had the same effect of making me feel totally worthless.

So if you know anyone in the Bay Area hiring overeducated chicks who happen to be moms, let me know.


  • i'm doing the same dance.

    By Blogger dizzy von damn!, at 10:23 AM  

  • I think that job hunting has to be one of the most demeaning activities that a human being has to endure. I mean seriously, day after day you are basically whoring yourself to prospective employers and for what? So you can go sit in an office for 8 hours a day when you would rather be at home with your kid.
    Stupid money.

    By Blogger Auntie Sassy, at 4:21 PM  

  • I'd rather stay where I'm comfortable (but not real challenged or happy) than put myself out there for some idiot to judge me. Dude, between the crickets and the frogs, and the Bug, I *really* feel for you!

    By Blogger MonkeyGurrrrrl, at 5:32 PM  

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