The World According to Jen

Sunday, October 08, 2006

I'm Baaaack!

Thanks to our ISP, we had no dsl at home for nearly two weeks, so I couldn't post anything.

But now, things are up and running and I can share photos of my Bug (that shirt always makes me giggle) and tales of things that annoy me. Or strange adventures on the way to weddings.

Two weeks ago, GW (of the group norms) and CS got married. Bug was to be the flower girl. Unfortunately, two days before the wedding she came down with a fever and, while it had broken the night before the wedding, we expected that she would be rather moody. But I am getting ahead of myself.

Yours truly, having realized that there is more of me to love than there was the last time I had purchased a dress to wear to a wedding, went shopping earlier in the week and found something that I didn't hate. G, made his shopping trip the day of the wedding. We were to meet up with the bride at 3:30 for Bug participate in pictures. The wedding was about 15 minutes from our house. So we were going to leave, fetch G's new suit, and take pictures.

Of course, we left a little late. G's suit was great and we pulled out of our parking space. And then, the van died. We ran out of gas. Swell. There was much cursing. Luckily, we were about 1.5 blocks from a gas station, so G headed over there in pursuit of a gas can, complaining about how I hadn't filled up the tank.

So there I am, in the middle of the aisle at a parking lot, gussied up for a wedding, and hanging out with the two kids. I told Doof that it wasn't my fault we ran out of gas and explained why. See, G had stayed home with Bug the day of her fever, so he had the van. And he was the one who drove north to fetch Doof. And he was the one who drove us all to fetch the suit. So it wasn't my fault.

He came stalking back, cursing. The gas station didn't sell gas cans. Luckily, the world's most helpful guy was also in the parking lot, so he and G pushed the van while I steered. Let me just say that steering a minivan without power steering is hard work. Probably not as hard as pushing it, but still. There was lots of yelling and screaming at me, which I tried to tune out, but it still stressed me out.

We called GW and told him we wouldn't make it for pictures, but we would be there for the wedding. We changed Bug into her dress at the church, at which point she began screaming and was basically inconsolable. So much for her walking down the aisle with the ring bearer (age 3) and his mom (the matron of honor). Instead, I ended up carrying the crying child down the aisle, walking around the pews and right back outside, where she stayed with G for the length of the ceremony.

We ceremony was lovely. The bride and groom looked fabulous. And it all took about 30 minutes. Then it was off to the reception site, where there was an open bar (hurray!), a chocolate fountain with lots of goodies to dunk in it (hurray again!), and lots of passed appetizers. Alas, Bug was still Miss Crankypants and dinner ended up being a little late for us, so we had to leave well before cake and dancing.

G apologized profusely the next day, recognizing that the gas situation was his responsibility and it was wrong to blame me.

Other than that, there isn't much to report. Bug is now 18 months and has finally hit the 20 pound mark. She's eating well and growing. She's picking up words. Everything is "mine". I think she picked that up at day care. She has a best pal there name CJ and they are apparently inseparable. She likes to say "eye" and then poke me in mine. Oh and she has taken to pulling up my shirt, poking my belly and saying "baby." No, there is no baby there. Not even close.

On the knitting front, I have finished my second pair of socks and am finishing up XT's birthday present (only about 6 weeks late).


  • she looks so BIG!

    i'm glad you're back.

    By Blogger dizzy von damn!, at 10:01 AM  

  • She does look big!! Standing up all proud and tall. :) What a gorgeous child.

    Don't you just love it when men realize (on their own!) that THEY were in the wrong, and are willing to admit it?!?! I've personally never experienced that, but it sounds lovely. :)

    By Blogger MonkeyGurrrrrl, at 11:35 AM  

  • I hate those stressed out fights where you know your significant other has lost his mind and there is no reasoning with him. When that happens, I give Mr. Sassy the silent treatment. And when he asks why I'm not saying anything, I say "Anything that I say will just start a fight until you are out of this mood, so I'm playing it safe until you are calm again."
    And oddly enough, that gets him out of that mood.

    By Blogger Auntie Sassy, at 10:32 AM  

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